Fifteen years ago on a sunny April afternoon, I stood on a Florida golf course surrounded by family and friends. Dressed in a traditional white gown, my blonde hair pulled back in cascading curls, I gazed into the blue eyes of my best friend and said the two words that would forever change the course of my life.

I do.
A brief flirtation at a country bar and later cancelled plans with friends led to a first date. We got to know each other over “Something about Mary” and dinner at Applebee’s. I don’t recall whether my sophisticated 21 year old palate had chicken tenders or Applebee’s famous riblets but the one thing that stood out crystal clear was how comfortable I felt with you. I was starry-eyed and twitter-pated, yet oblivious to what was starting that night.

We began our courtship among the haze gray walls of a US Navy aircraft carrier, our relationship kept on the down-low for a few months as to not raise too many eyebrows. Aside from the love notes and sideways glances passed between us, days spent at sea were largely professional. Ports along the Mediterranean served as the backdrop for our dates;lingering over donar kebabs in Turkey, sipping our first sangria in Spain and taking the bullet train from Cannes to Paris. Little did we know then how travel would later shape our life together.

Shortly after “I do” came the house and the cat creating a home for ourselves. You supported me while I chased my doctoral degree and then I returned the favor when you went back to school. Trips to Spain and England were our rewards for degrees earned; as our love for each other grew so did our love for exploring the world.

We settled into careers and the routine of daily life; all made better by inside jokes, kisses and the patina of deep contentment that true love gets with time. You made the many good days better and held my hand during my Mom’s final days. You embraced the craziness of my family, and I yours. The happiest moments happening with full homes and full bellies.

I really can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. I love that you get my obscure references and I love that you indulge in some of my crazier whims. I love that you make me coffee every morning and I love falling asleep cuddled up next to you each night. I love that silly side of you that only I get to see, and I love that you share my sense of wanderlust. I’ve loved my life with you over the last fifteen years and I can’t wait to see what adventures the next 50 years together have in store.
Steve, I guess what I’m trying to say is I love you so much.

Kelly says
I love this! Happy Anniversary! Here’s to the next 15 and forever. Cheers!
cengiz selçok says
Happy Anniversary!
Brianna says
Thank you so much!
Andi says
Ah, totally adorable! And such great stories – congrats!
Jenn and Ed Coleman says
Happy Anniversary and best wishes for the next 15 years
Tracy says
Happy Anniversary!
Your story is so very inspiring and I hope to one day meet someone who loves to travel as much as I do. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Jenn and Ed Coleman says
This is so cute. Happy fifteen and best wishes for the next fifteen. You should get a copy of “Something About Mary” and make sure that you only watch it on special occasions.