The new year is a time to reflect on the year past and contemplate our dreams for the months ahead. 2013 was the first year I felt I had both feet firmly entrenched in adulthood. As a thirty something woman I feel like I’ve advanced to the next stage in life, I’ve got a wonderful marriage, most of my friends have started families and as an old high school friend put it “I really don’t feel like I have as much in common with the people just coming out of college”(I still haven’t accepted that the 1990’s were over 10 years ago!). I’ve been asked to speak as an expert in my profession as well as asked to write about my passion by a national travel magazine. 2013 was also the year I watched Alzheimer’s slowly take more of my mother until her passing in early December. I feel as though I emotionally aged 20 years in the last 5 weeks of her life.What Alzheimer’s never claimed was her bright smile and her love of family. The death of someone close always makes you examine what’s important and what you’d really like to accomplish.
Over the past few days I’ve read various articles and blogs about where people would like to go or what they would like to do in 2014. I have one and only one travel resolution this year-I want to use travel to make the people I love happy. One of the few regrets I have is that I never had the opportunity to take my Mom on her dream trip to Germany. I’d always had the plan to take her for her 60th birthday but unfortunately that was stolen by Alzheimer’s.With that in mind I intend to start traveling with my family and friends to share with them the joy travel brings to me. I want to expand my niece’s world beyond Florida’s Gulf Coast, take my husband’s Mom on the trip to Coastal New England she’s been dreaming of for years, visit my brother’s new extended family in Peru and bond with my sister, cousins and friends over new experiences. Travel has the power to expand and broaden your own world, but just as importantly I believe it can strengthen relationships as you create memories with the people you love.
Jenna says
A very noble travel resolution. For those of us lucky enough to be able to travel, it’s easy for it to become all about what brings us pleasure, but when we step back and think about it, it’s also a wonderful way to bond with loved ones and create memories, as you said. My condolences about your mom, and my best wishes as you go through what must still be a difficult time.
Brianna says
Thanks for your kind words Jenna. I truly believe that by making others happy you create a richer life for yourself.
jordan says
I wholeheartedly agree. Traveling is amazing by itself but it doesn’t compare to experiencing new places with those you love. Sorry to hear about your mom. safe travels.
Brianna says
Jordan, thank you for you kind thoughts. Like most things in life travel is best when shared with loved ones.
Erin at The World Wanderer says
This is beautiful. Travel has so many powers and ways to transform each one of us and ultimately bring us closer together.
I haven’t traveled with my family since 2006, and this May, we are all heading together to Italy for a wedding. I am so excited to create memories with them, as it’s been years since we’ve had a special time like that. I know, it will strengthen our bond.
Travel has also made me realize that each day is a gift. As I can tell you’ve learned as well. I’m so sorry about your mom. I’m sure she’s proud of you.
Brianna says
Thank you so much Erin. I’m sure you’ll have a great time in Italy, that sounds like an amazing trip!
Laurie Stolmaker says
Traveling with my husband is adding so much to our marriage. After over thirty years of taking short trips together, we are now really exploring the world as a couple of adventurers, enjoying each other in a whole new way. Of course, it is an added delight when we can host family members in some of our exotic house sit or adventure travel locations. We are looking forward to Costa Rica this winter, so appreciated your bird post, as well. Thank you,
Brianna says
Thanks for stopping by, it adds a whole other layer to the travel experience when you can share it with loved ones.
Shikha (whywasteannualleave) says
This is so moving – she must be so proud of you! I’m so glad to have recently discovered your blog – it’s fantastic and full of travel inspiration
Brianna says
Welcome Shikha, I’m glad you enjoy my blog! I miss her and think of her everyday.
Revati Victor says
Looking back on this resolution of yours, now that I’ve been reading your blog for a while, this makes so much sense for the kind of person (i think) you are! What a beautiful sentiment, and having taken my mom to celebrate her 50th in Istanbul, I know what a privilege it is to share the joy of travel with a loved one!
Brianna says
Revati- writing that very first post my emotions were still very raw though I’m happy to say I stuck to that resolution!
Erica C. says
I am so glad that I decided to go back and read your blog from the beginning. If I hadn’t done that, I would have missed this wonderful post! My Mom never got her dream trip to Greece and my husband and I took our first major trip overseas 6 months after she died. Your resolution to share all the ways travel enriches life with those you love is perfect! After all, that’s why we are travel writers, right?