I recently took a trip to Tampa to visit family and have some fun with my 8 year old niece. She loves animals and there is no shortage of wild life attractions throughout central Florida. I wanted something a little more up close and personal than some of the major theme parks so we decided to try out the Safari Wilderness Ranch in Lakeland, Florida. Located on the Green Swamp between Orlando and Tampa, this rural swath of Florida is known for farming, particularly strawberries and beef cattle. There are also large areas of protected land as the Green Swamp sits over the aquifer that provides central Florida with its fresh water.
As we pulled into the drive we were greeted with views of open grassland dotted with pockets of cypress and bay trees dripping with Spanish moss. Theย check in center was staffed with a few friendly and knowledgeable ladies whose love for all the animals was evident. My niece made a beeline to the back for the guinea pig pen and the cutest baby goat I’ve ever seen. Outside the welcome center there was an aviary as well as a lemur enclosure(more on that later).

Safaris are restricted to small groups in custom open air safari vehicles, or if you’re so inclined you can explore the grounds from the back of a camel. When they’re not showing visitors around the ranch the camels moonlight as security guards residing in a double fenced area that surrounds the perimeter of the ranch. This natural security method protects the animals from some of Florida’s natural predators and is in keeping with the ranch’s commitment to sustainable practices that you’ll see throughout the grounds.

We embarked on an 1.5 hour ride throughout the grounds and enjoyed seeing a variety of primarily African and Asian herbivores with a few South American residents scattered about. Highlights included pronghorn antelope, water bucks, springbok, zebra, kudu, barasingha deer, watusi cattle, ostrich and water buffalo. The animals are free to roam as they please and the knowledgeable staff are eager to share their enthusiasm with visitors and allow frequent stops for photography as well as feeding the animals.

After the safari jeep brings you back to the welcome center its time for the best experience of the day- feeding the lemurs! These cute little primates are natives of Madagascar and, as it turns out, are extremely fond of grapes.Small groups are led into the enclosure where you are quickly greeted by its residents. A staff member instructed you on how to interact with the lemurs and while you are not to reach out and pet them the lemurs are quite friendly once they find out you have grapes. The lemurs are very gentle as they nibble the grapes from your fingers and often grab onto your hand while they wait for the next one.

The Safari Wilderness Ranch in Lakeland ย was a great family activity and a wonderful alternative to some of the larger theme parks in the area, be sure to stop by on your next visit to central Florida.
The Travel Sisters says
Great article and pictures! We’ll keep it in mind next time we are in Florida. Would love to feed the lemurs-they are so cute!
Brianna says
Thanks, the lemurs were definitely the highlight of our visit. They were so much fun!
Lance | Trips By Lance says
This looks fun. We haven’t visited Central Florida with our son, mainly because theme park world is not our idea of great travel. But this looks pretty cool.
Brianna says
This was a blast! They also have a sister ranch where you can feed giraffes. There is definitely more to central Florida than the mouse.
Elena says
I want a lemur hug too! I’m sure your little niece was delighted!
Brianna says
She was a little tentative at first but ended up loving them, who wouldn’t?
Dave Cole says
Who knew that lemurs were so friendly? The horns on those Watusi cattle are gigantic – I can’t believe they’re able to support them!
Brianna says
Those are massive horns aren’t they? I’d have to imagine they’re not easy to haul around.
Eva Maria says
What’s an amazing adventure! I really like the idea of Safaris and showing to children the life of animals! I hope that one day I will volunteer in one of these as I really love every animal!
Brianna says
It was evident just how much the staff loved the animals and genuinely cared about what they do.
City Sea Country says
Wow. The horn of the Watusi cattle is humonguos and the baby goat is really the cutest ever.
Brianna says
It was crazy watching the herd try too maneuver their horns around each other.
Karen Warren says
Lovely pictures and very different from most of the other travel articles I’ve read about Florida!
Brianna says
Florida has a lot more to offer than just theme parks and the beach.
Krista says
I honestly didn’t know there were safaris in North America! It’s really cool that the animals are free to roam as they please – something I don’t like about traditional zoos. Next time I’m in Orlando for business I’ll make sure to check this out! ๐
Brianna says
It was a really neat experience, I highly recommend it!
Anu @ Country Hopping Couple says
This looks like so much fun! Who doesn’t love seeing animals! I would love to visit Florida one day!
Brianna says
Florida is a lot of fun and a really diverse state with a lot to offer
Samantha @mytanfeet says
Aww the lemurs! Such funny little creatures. If I had any little cousins I’d love to take them on a safari like this.
Brianna says
This safari is a great activity for kids ( and kids at heart).
Charlie says
Wow, I’d never even heard of Capybara-rodent before! And that’s an incredible zebra photo!!
Brianna says
Capybara are natives of South America, they are huge in person!
Illia says
Agree with what people said earlier – Watusi cattle horns are incredibly powerful and big! More and more I stumble upon stories like this, and more and more I’m getting convinced that USA has great, diverse and unique nature. You guys are doing great job respecting it and keeping it for future generations. ๐
Brianna says
With the size of the US there are such diverse landscapes, I’d highly recommend a visit.
Margherita @The Crowded Planet says
Looks like a lovely place! I don’t know what’s cuter, the kid or the lemurs! The impala looks so elegant, great pic!
Brianna says
The impala does look like he’s posing doesn’t he? The kid was adorable and supper friendly.
Raphael Alexander Zoren says
Lemurs are so cute!!! ๐
Brianna says
I know! I really wanted to take one home with me.
PurpleTravelKate says
That baby goat… That has made my Friday! Looks like so much fun there. Next time, will you take me with you?
Brianna says
It’s a date!
Daidri | Thee Getaway Gal says
Wow, you got some great shots. Love the one of that Watusi, the horns are huge and the Impala is beautiful! We have a Safari like this here in Sonoma, CA. You’ve inspired me to check it out, it looks fun!
Brianna says
It was a lot of fun!
Emily says
Such cute pics – I love those lemurs! Awesome photography ๐
Brianna says
I’m happy glad you enjoy the pictures. I could go for another lemur hug!
Bob R says
The lemurs are great but I liked the black swan the best. Beautiful birds.
Brianna says
The swans are definitely gorgeous birds.
Rashad Pharaon says
Imagine that, I lived in Central FL for so many years and never even knew about this!
Brianna says
I definitely recommend checking them out!
Bianca @itsallbee says
This place is beautiful. I haven’t seen an impala since I was a little girl back home. They are one of my favourite animals
Brianna says
Impalas are regal creatures, I’d love to see one in the wild.
Ashley and Alex says
Great photos! I absolutely love lemurs so I think I’ll have to stop by here next time I’m in Florida!
Brianna says
The lemurs are so stinking cute!
Jon @ jonistravelling.com says
Great photos! I love the capybara. I heard that someone served one to the queen during a trip to Belize ages ago; when she found out what she’d eaten she wasn’t happy.
Brianna says
That wasn’t a capybara, it was a gibnut. They now call it the royal rodent.
Adelina | PackMeTo says
How incredibly cool! Such great photos of the animals. How are the camels natural security guards? Thanks for linking up to #SundayTraveler again!
Brianna says
The camels are very territorial and keep any intruders at bay.
frankaboutcroatia says
Great photos! I’ve never seen the lemurs. They look like fantastic and fun animals – love that cute one hugging you :). How enormous are those horns on the Watusi cattle?!
Brianna says
This was my first lemur interaction and hopefully not my last, they were so much fun!
Tamika says
looks like a fun day! love the zebra, and the baby waterbuck and the horns on the cattle are really impressive!
Brianna says
It was really neat driving among the animals and getting to observe some that aren’t found in your typical zoo.
Mary {The World Is A Book} says
What a great place to take kids and especially for animal lovers. Love your wildlife photos! I wish we knew about this place during our last visit to Tampa. This looks better than some of the zoos we’ve visited.
Brianna says
I definitely recommend a stop here for families, kids love the lemurs!
Nina says
Great place Brianna! Looks like the perfect place for a great day out. Love the zebra! ๐
Brianna says
It was such a fun day. Definitely recommend for kids of all ages ๐
JP says
Hi Brianna, glad I found your wonderful website here! I’ve heard of this place but have never been. I’m currently in the central Florida area and will have to visit soon! Great pics and article!
Brianna says
Thanks, I’m glad you found my website too ๐ This was such a fun afternoon away from the tourist crowds of the major theme parks, I high recommend it.
Jessica (Barcelona Blonde) says
Aw your pictures of the lemurs are so cute! This looks like a great way to spend the day.
Brianna says
The lemurs are adorable, especially when they hold your hand. My heart melted!
Katie @ The World on my Necklace says
The lemurs! So cute! And you got to play with them. I was in Miami a couple of years ago for Halloween and there was a guy walking around with a pet lemur in a diaper
Brianna says
There is no way you can’t fall in love with the lemurs. Did the one in Miami have a costume on?
zof says
Wow, great shots. It’s so hard to capture wildlife. My fav is the capybara, they are soooo cute.
Brianna says
I’m glad you like the pictures ๐ It was such a fun experience.
Jen Seligmann says
There is so much to see in that region of Florida and I love that this is an attraction that is suited to people of all ages, especially the little ones. Great photos Brianna.
Brianna says
It’s a great alternative to some of the larger theme parks in the area and really allows you to get up close to the animals.
lorrie says
thanks for sharing those animals amazing photos im hoping to go see some of the animal places while in Colorado
Brianna says
I look forward to following your Colorado adventures!
Alexandra C. says
So fun. I think people forget that travel to see family, or travel to places you’ve been before can be so fulfilling and exciting. This is really sweet. And that goat is melting my heart. (have you seen the video of the depressed goat who gets reunited with his donkey best friend? -sounds silly but it’s really sweet.. if you’re into that sort of thing. ๐ ) -Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
Constance - Foreign Sanctuary says
Your photos are fantastic. Looks like a great place to spend the day. The lemurs are so cute!
Brianna says
The lemurs absolutely stole my heart! Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you enjoy my photos ๐
Hannah says
Ahhh I love the lemurs! Every time I see them I think of the movie Madagascar ๐ great shots!
Brianna says
Thanks for stopping by. I just loved being the recipient of a lemur hug!