Today I’m celebrating one more trip around the sun and the past year has been pretty darn good to me. I’m fortunate to have people who love me, good health and the ability to continue exploring this big wonderful world.Let’s take a look at a few thoughts I’ve got on turning forty-two.

On Health

Forty-two has surprised me a bit in the fact that I’m feeling better physically than I have in years. This is the first year in a while I haven’t been dealing with a nagging injury or recovering from surgery. In the gym and out running I’m feeling stronger and a big part of that was switching my mindset of constantly pushing myself to one of listening to my body and injury prevention.
That isn’t to say I’m not seeing seeing the effects of collecting another birthday. My eyes crinkle a bit more when I smile, seemingly overnight my hands feel dry ALL THE TIME and despite my efforts in the gym back fat is a thing.
On Kids
Fertility isn’t something I talk about much here, but at 42 I know that window is open just a crack now and will soon be closed. I always knew that getting pregnant would be an issue but I made the decision a long time ago that whether or not kids happened that my life would end up the way it was supposed to. I’ve got a bunch of littles and a sweet, yet sassy teen in my life that I absolutely adore and I love my job as the fun adventurous aunt.
On Age and Social Media
I’ve never been one to shy aware from announcing my age, I’ve always thought that being embarrassed or ashamed of how old you are was ridiculous because a lot of people don’t get the privilege of getting older. I also don’t shy away from posting photos of myself because I think it’s important to show women of all ages, but especially forty and beyond, doing amazing things in amazing places.
On Travel

There are a lot of things in my life that I’m extremely grateful for that allow me to travel as much as I do. I’ve got a job that I enjoy that pays well and gives me a flexible schedule and plenty of time off. In addition to bucket list adventures (Steve and I are heading to Banff soon to celebrate both of our birthdays) and weekend getaways I’ve been planning more of my trips to visit friends. I’ve reconnected with an old friend from my Navy days in Washington DC, experienced Italy with my friend Katie who now calls Ferrara home, had an amazing girls’ getaway in Santa Barbara with a couple of my besties and have plans to visit a former roommate in Cape Town later this year.

I don’t know what 42 has in store but I’ve enjoyed the ride so far and I’m thankful that you guys have decided to join me.
Robert Carroll says
Happy Birthday! Thanks for “keepin’ It real” – as you youngsters say – in your posts.
Godspeed & many more orbits!
A 66 y/o follower
Brianna says
Thank you so much Robert and thanks for joining me 🙂 Any trips coming up?
Andi Fisher says
Happy, happy birthday my friend! The 40’s are the best – totally awesome, can I stay a little longer? I’m officially 49 and a half so I am going to enjoy the last few months of my 40’s because they have truly been the best decade! I hope you think so too!
Brianna says
Andi, I’m glad to be in with such esteemed company! I’ve always admire your travel style and writing and I’m glad I get to call you a friend.