Unless you’ve been living in a cave (and if you have, good job on social distancing) you no doubt have seen the drastic changes across the world due to COVID-19. International travel has come to a halt, cities around the world are on lockdown and the economic effects will be catastrophic and far reaching. Thousands have been infected and far too many have died in such a short amount of time.
It’s a scary and uncertain time for everyone and I think we all need take it seriously and remain calm (those two things are not mutually exclusive). I work in healthcare and have recently been asked to help out at our local drive through testing sites and I encountered people who were concerned and scared, and I also encountered a lot of misinformation. My head is spinning with just how fast everything is changing and I feel the need to get out a few thoughts on what’s going on.

Disclaimer- While I am a healthcare professional I am not an epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist. Please refer to trusted sources such as the CDC, WHO and your local government for official advice.
WASH YOUR HANDS. Simple advice and I’m certainly not the first to mention it but it bears repeating.

Stay home and practice social distancing. That’s what’s going to save lives and get through this more quickly.
It’s ok to have all the feelings, just don’t let them consume you. Acknowledge them and move on.
Keep informed but don’t obsess. Watching the news all day long or reading article after article can take a toll. I would say tune into the news once in the morning and once in the evening to stay abreast of the latest developments and spend the rest of your day doing things you enjoy or need to do.
Stock up but don’t hoard. There’s enough to go around for everyone.
If you’re sick-self quarantine and seek medical care.
Keep in touch with family and friends, technology has made this easier to do now more than any time in history.
Off from work or school? Take this time to learn something new.
We all have little projects around the house we’ve been putting off, now is the time to do them.
Make sure to get some exercise in. There are tons of free classes and tips on Youtube and online. Exercise reduces stress and boosts your immune system.
Learn to cook a new-to-you recipe.
Want to binge a Netflix series all day? Go for it.

Our world has been increasingly personalized and polarized through algorithms and it’s been a while since we’ve had a singular experience that affects humanity as a whole. During this time of uncertainty it’s my hope that we come together as a global community. Do your part to help, whether that’s at the front line working in healthcare or a first responder, making sure your older neighbor has supplies or simply by staying home. In the words of my friend Katie who is currently in Italy on lockdown “Please take care of yourselves, take care of your loved ones, take care of those you’ll never know, and take this seriously. “
Tomas Gust says
I promise to do all of the above (and more) as long as we can finally travel safely again….