Whether you’re travelling for fun or work getting sick is a sure fire way to ruin any trip. Between jet lag, crowded planes and questionable food travel can play a number on your immune system; even if you’re a seasoned traveler. While you can’t fully avoid germs on any trip (or out and about at home for that matter) these tips will help you avoid getting sick when you travel.

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General Tips
Wash Your Hands or Use Hand Sanitizer

No matter if you’re traveling or hanging out at home, the best thing you can do to avoid illness to wash your hands often. Now this is not new advice by any means but it’s advice that bears repeating as proper handwashing is the number 1 thing you can do to avoid the spread of germs. Use soap and water and wash your hands for 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your face
Another easy thing to do to reduce your risk of getting sick is to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. For illnesses that transmit via direct contact minimzing touching your face is one of the best things you can do to avoid getting sick.
Before your Trip
Do Your Research
Be sure to check trusted websites like U.S. State Department the CDC and WHO for up to date information and possible travel health advisories.
Make sure you have all needed vaccinations and medications
Check the CDC, WHO or US State department for recommended vaccinations for all of your travel destinations. The CDC recommends you get all needed vaccinations at least one month before travel in order to build up immunity.
You should also make sure you have all of your prescription medications or commonly used over-the-counter medications prior to your trip.
How to Avoid Getting Sick on a Plane
Pick the right seat

Aside from getting a great view picking the window seat is a better option if you want to minimize the risk of illness. Aisle seats get much more exposure to germ transmission as there’s a much greater chance of people touching them as they maneuver through the aisle or make their way to the bathroom.
Wipe down highly used areas
There is a really quick turn around for most flights so it’s unlikely your seat area gets a thorough cleaning. Give your arm rests and seat belt a wipe with a disinfecting wipe and before you dig into that airline pasta or enjoy your in-flight Biscoff make sure to wipe down your tray table. Another area to be mindful is the the backseat pocket, it’s an area that a lot of people use but doesn’t get fully cleaned.
Stay Hydrated

On an airplane the air is very dry at only around 15% humidity ( compared to 30-60% normally on the ground). This low humidity can dry out the mucous membranes that line your nose and airways making them more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Aim to drink at least 8oz of water each hour during your flight. I typically bring my own refillable water bottle and fill up at the airport before my flight, or buy a bottle of water if I’m flying from a location whose water wouldn’t be agreeable with my tummy.
Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol on your flight
I get it. I love a cup of coffee or a glass of wine as much as the next person and while it can seem like a great way to unwind at the start of your vacation alcohol can be very dehydrating (see above)as well as disturb your sleep.
Stay Healthy at Your Destination
Give yourself a boost
Whenever you’re traveling it’s a good idea to give your immune system a helping hand. Take daily probiotics during your trip to promote good bacteria to help ward off any tummy trouble. Zinc supplements and Vitamin C can also help strengthen your immune system.
Drink Bottled or Filtered Water
Drinking water in far-flung destinations may not always be agreeable with your stomach. Research the destination beforehand to determine if it is advisable to avoid the local tap water or stick to bottled water or filtered water. Prefer not to use single use plastic? Consider this filtered water bottle for your travels.
Natalie says
Some really nice tips! I didn’t even think about caffeine being a factor. I always get a little nauseous on flights and I’m sure my coffee addiction does me no favors.
Greta says
So many useful tips, especially in these times, thanks for sharing! I’m definitely guilty of not being as on it as I should be in some occasions, like on planes I never wipe the arm rest etc. Will definitely start implementing some of these!